Mine Planning, Safety, and Regulations Meet Drones

In my previous articles, I spoke about how drones are being using within civil construction and insurance to help with site progress tracking and claims fulfillment respectively. In this article, I’ll focus more on how drones are currently being using in Mining applications to plan, monitor safety, and ensure regulatory compliance. Of all of the industries currently using drones, the … Continue readingMine Planning, Safety, and Regulations Meet Drones

The Future of Drones: 7 Bold Trends for 2018

As we welcome the new year, it’s exciting to hear more about some of the new trends facing the commercial drone industry in 2018. Not only has the industry gained traction, but it’s been brought into the national spotlight during Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. For the first time, the public has an aerial view of the widespread impact of these … Continue readingThe Future of Drones: 7 Bold Trends for 2018