Picard and Kirk to space started out as a successful Kickstarter Campaign, raising over $6000 to send our favorite Star Trek Characters to space. Captain Picard was the greatest starship captain in history, only he never actually made it to space. We wanted to change that!
We sent up an action figure of his character, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, along with Captain Kirk. And this action figure was the real deal. He’s been around the world and even met Patrick Stewart, but hasn’t gotten to space yet, until now. Here’s his own Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CaptainJeanLucPicardActionFigure.
Logan Kugler, a passionate space enthusiast, and Shannon Downey, the woman behind the action figures’ Facebook adventures sponsored the launch in conjunction with Space for All in the summer of 2012.
We built a scale model of the USS Enterprise D, and stuck Captain Picard and Kirk on the bridge. Three cameras were rigged around the contraption and filmed the entire journey to over 100,000 feet. Check out the trailer below:
The Discovery Channel caught wind of our escapades and even filmed a segment about the project:
Discovery Channel Episode – “Sending Picard & Kirk to Space” from Logan Kugler on Vimeo.
Find out more at www.spaceforall.org